What does it mean to be exceptional? — This question is important not only to artists and teenagers, but also to software developers. Similar as it structures a society, it touches the problem how we should organize our code. And the answer for developers is the same it has been for generations of teenagers striving to be cool: what is “normal” and what is “deviant” cannot be decided without context, but it depends on the constitution of the surroundings.

As authors of code, we are the ones defining its constitution. By using exceptions, we create a hierarchy. By considering (or even marking) something as exceptional, we assign it a certain status. In our code, we should organize status so that it helps our readers understand our code:1 If our computer program was a painting, what would we want to be the foreground in that painting, and what do we want the spectator to consider background? Exceptions provide an opportunity to structure the perception of our reader, and guide their attention.

This article discusses different strategies of working with exceptions. The main story is about Python, but basic insights can be applied to other programming languages as well.

1. Exceptions in Different Languages

In the trade-off between development speed and code robustness, Python often gives us the freedom to write fragile code. One example for this is the absence of strict typing and Python’s duck typing approach. Another example is how we can steer the control flow of a Python program with exceptions: In Python, it is possible to throw an exception using the raise keyword, which, if not caught in a try-except block, will make the program crash.

The absence of a safeguarding mechanism forcing the developer to ensure that thrown exceptions are actually caught makes for quick prototyping. It also introduces fragility. While development speed is nice, fragility is technical debt and can become a pain quickly.

Other programming languages (including some well-known for developer satisfaction such as Rust, or Elixir) favor a more robust approach. Instead of using a mechanism that can potentially make the whole program crash, they use return values for signalling exceptional behavior.

For instance, in Rust, functions may return a Result, which can be either an instance of Ok or Err. When working with an instance of Result, we can call its unwrap() method, which will either return the wrapped value or raise the exception. That way, whenever we call the unwrap() method, Rust forces us to make a distinct decision that we are willing to have our program crash at this point – or handle the exception in a way that prevents our program from panicking.

Similarly, in Elixir, it is a convention to return a pair, containing either an :ok or :error atom in the first slot, and the actual return value in the second slot of the pair. Elixir’s way of defining function signatures with pattern matching shines at making the control flow very tangible: the happy path and the error path can actually be expressed as different paths in the code. This allows for rather complex error paths without loosing track of what is going on:

def to_age(value) when is_binary(value) do
  # Transforming string to integer here and pass result to integer handling
  # branch of `to_age`
  case Integer.parse(value) do
    {:ok, integer} -> to_age(integer_value),
    {:error, _ } -> {:error, "Age string must hold an integer number"},

def to_age(value) when is_integer(value) and value < 0 do
  { :error, "Come on, your age cannot be negative!" }

def to_age(value) when is_integer(value) and value > 122 do
    "Jeanne Calment, the oldest person ever,"
    <> "got 122. Are you sure you are older?"

def to_age(value) when is_integer(value) do
  # this matches only if none of the exceptional scenarios above has matched.
  # Hence, we can be sure to have a valid integer at this point
  {:ok, Age(value)}

def to_age(value) do
  { :error, "Age value must be a binary string or an integer" }

An example of using pattern matching on the function signature to handle different exceptional cases, in Elixir: to_age handles both integers and strings that either contain an integer (ok) or not (error). In both cases the integer is checked for being positive and not bigger than some maximum value.

Just for comparison, this is a way the same could be achieved in Python, raising a ValueError whenever some validation fails:

def to_age(value: int | str) -> Age:
    if isinstance(value, str):
          value = int(value)
      except ValueError:
         raise ValueError("Age string must hold an integer number")

    if not isinstance(value, int):
        raise ValueError("Age value must be a string or integer")

    if value < 0:
        raise ValueError("Come on, your age cannot be negative!")

    if value > 122:
        raise ValueError(
            "Jeanne Calment, the oldest person ever,"
            "got 122. Are you sure you are older?"
    return Age(value)

In other strongly typed languages, for instance Java, it is possible to throw exceptions, but the developer has to declare all the possible exceptions a function could throw in the function signature.

2. Micro- vs Macro-Structure

When we look at the micro-structure of our code, when we are inspecting functions in isolation, raising an exception totally makes sense: In the example above, raising a ValueError is a good indication of what is going on. The semantics of the exception express the intent of the code very directly. And that is always a good thing.

Problems can emerge at the macro-structure level of our code. How do functions which potentially raise integrate smoothly with the context of the whole program? What do their callers (and the callers of their callers) have to know in order to work with them safely? How does the caller know that to_age might raise a ValueError?

How can life be made easy for the caller? In later examples, we will see that there are problems lurking when we make our code throw exceptions. These problems are the reasoning of those programming languages which prefer to signal exceptional scenarios in the return value of the function instead of making the function throw an exception.

As other languages do it differently, why does Python allow to raise, in the first place? Similar to the value a certain function returns, an exception is some sort of a “response” of that function. Next to the parameters it accepts, and the values it returns, the possible exceptions a function might raise are an essential part of the function’s interface. And “the function’s interface” is just a different name for “what matters for the caller of the function”. The interface of a method is what matters when we think about the macro-structure of our code.

But other than the parameter specs or the return type, exception specifications are not part of the function’s signature or type annotation in Python.2 When we want to be on the safe side when writing a caller for a function, neither the compiler nor the type checker can provide us any help: We have to inspect the body of the function in order to be sure that we cover the full spectrum of possibilities when handling the “response” of the function. And it is not even enough to check the body of the function – in order to be safe our code does not accidentally crash, we even have to check the function bodies of the functions that are being called by the function we are calling, and so on. This can cause trouble.

3. Difference between Returning and Raising

From this point of view, raising an exception merely appears as some sort of creating an “unofficial” response, a response off the books. But is there another, more fundamental difference between raising and returning? What is the essential difference between returning and raising?

Well, there is none, really. Have a look at the following code snippet:

from typing import NoReturn

class ResultDisguisedAsException(Exception):
    def __init__(self, value: Any) -> None:
        self.value = value

def function(value: int) -> NoReturn: # ... (apply some operations to value here)
    raise ResultBeingRaised(value)

def caller():
    except ResultDisguisedAsException as result:
        # ... (do something with result.value here)

A way to replace return statements by raise statements, demonstrating that there is no essential difference between raising and returning.

In this snippet, function basically responds by raising an exception instead of returning a value. caller does not use the returned value (function does never return, actually), but inspects the exception in order to get the what would be the return value in a normal program flow. This code snippet is somewhere between academic and ridiculous, of course. But it demonstrates that there is no essential difference between raising and returning: Logically, any Python program using methods with return statements, could be rewritten using raise statements exclusively.

That shows that the difference between raising and returning is arbitrary, i.e. it is a matter of a willful decision – a matter of a willful decision of ours, to be precise. For understanding the difference between raising and returning, we cannot rely on trying to understand the essence of these terms, as essentially, they are not different. Asking “What are the essential characteristics of an exception?” is a little like asking “What are the essential characteristics of a gift?” – Anything can be a gift. Whether a certain object is a gift or not, cannot be found in the specifics of that object, it can only be found in the way that object is being used. And the same holds true for exceptional scenarios in Python code.

4. Structuring Code into Background and Foreground

We cannot understand, we have to decide what we want to consider an exception and what not; or, to express this in a better way: By returning or raising, we structure our code in a certain way, sending the signal to the reader of our code: This is a matter of differentiating between RELEVANT and IRRELEVANT.3

This is a matter of perception in general, and there is an abundance of examples for how differentiating between FOREGROUND and BACKGROUND shapes how we perceive and understand information. Just one example for this, from outside the coding world, is the way footnotes are being used in books: They manage to provide some extra information, while keeping the reader’s attention to the main story. And, more than that, they give a clear signal, what is the important, the CORE information, and what is EXTRA.


Sometimes it is hard to grasp what is foreground, what is background. What is relevant, what is irrelevant? This confusion is mentally stressful.

Another example, from coding software, is the paradigm of early returning: By separating the validation logic from the business logic the reader can focus on the latter. As soon as the validation is over, the reader can forget about it. It has become IRRELEVANT. The reader only has to keep an active representation of the FOREGROUND information in their current mental state which is stripped off BACKGROUND noise. Sending these signals that help the readers differentiate between FOREGROUND and BACKGROUND is a way to prevent them from feeling overwhelmed.

The same principle applies for raise vs return: Whatever is returned is marked as FOREGROUND, as the mainstream of our program flow. Exceptions are pushed to the mental BACKGROUND.

5. Exception Handling Paradigms

In order to discuss different strategies that we can apply, let’s have a look at very common architecture with an entry point, a layer which performs some sort of validation (let’s say “controller layer”), a layer for the business logic (say: “service layer”), and a “persistence layer” (sometimes called “repository layer”) which handles reading and writing of data, abstracting away the specifics of the data storage:

layered architecture

Abstract Minimal Structure of a Layered Architecture.

Consider, for instance, a GET endpoint in a REST API, which is requesting a single movie from our database, based on some filter criteria (such as title, language, director, or starring actresses and actors, and so on).

The real life example could of course be more complex. We are focussing on the elements that are relevant to demonstrate the up- and downsides of different exception handling strategies here.

5.1 Bubbling Up

One strategy of handling exceptions is to have them “bubble up”. The metaphor involves that the outer layers are on the TOP, and the inner layers are on the BOTTOM. Any exception raised on a lower level is not handled directly on the next level, but only at the very top layer. That way intermediate layers can simply ignore exceptions on lower layers, taking some complexity off their shoulders:


Having Exceptions bubble up means not handling them in intermediate layers.

In a rough code sketch, this would look like this:

class NotFound(Exception):

def load_movie_by_filters(filters) -> Movie:
    # Skipping db implementation part of this layer
    matches: list[Movie] = MovieDatabase.filter(filters)
    if not matches:
        raise NotFound()
    return matches[0]

def movie_filter_service(filters) -> Movie:
    # Skipping business logic part of this layer
    return load_movie_by_filters(filters)

def movie_filter_controller(filters) -> Movie:
    # Skipping validation logic part of this layer
    return movie_filter_service(filters)

def entry_point(filters):
        return movie_filter_controller(filters)
    except NotFound:
        print("Movie could not be found")

Minimal Code Example For a Layered Architecture with Exceptions Bubbling Up. The example code is not meant to serve as a real-world example. It should only provide some orientation about the code structure we are talking about.

The snippet demonstrates, how the intermediate layers do not care about the exception at all. The exception is passed upwards without the intermediate layers even taking notice, “behind their back”.

A prominent example following this approach, is the fastapi web framework. It has a particular exception class HTTPException. In handling an HTTP request, whenever the downstream code raises this exception, the router turns this into the appropriate HTML error response. fastapi is created for developing HTTP APIs quickly, and this feature helps: In whatever layer of our code – when fetching data from the database, when reading configuration, when validating input data, you name it – we can simply raise an HTTPException with the appropriate HTTP error code. We do not need to handle those anywhere. Ultimately, the framework takes care of it.

In order to make this approach work, our repository method has to raise some sort of exception indicating that the movie could not be found. This makes perfect sense in the scope of the simple example: It does a very good job at highlighting the FOREGROUND of the application logic – finding a movie –, and muting the exceptional cases, moving them into the conceptual BACKGROUND. The readers of an application following that approach can always safely forget about the exception handling. They don’t have to trace the exception path, because they know that, eventually, the exception is being turned into a corresponding error response. That is a great deal of mental relief!

There is a downside, though: This approach comes with coupling the repository implementation to the business logic. The repository itself has to know that not finding a movie is supposed to eventually lead to an error response. The decision about what severeness the absence of a movie is assigned to (whether it should be treated as an error or not, and if it is considered an error, which kind of error it is supposed to be) is happening at the innermost layers.4 And this is usually not a good place to make that decision.

Let’s have a closer look at the case of a missing movie in our database. From the perspective of a repository, is that really something we should consider an exceptional case? From the micro-structure perspective, we would actually say no: It should be perfectly expected that the repository does not hold all the movies that are out there. Hence, a request against our data which does not match a movie in our database should not be unexpected at all. It does not necessarily indicate that anything in the request is wrong, if our database does not hold a matching movie.

That means, we might have paths in our application, where we want to use the repository method, but do not want to treat a missing movie as an error. If that is the case, we would find ourselves implementing a structure to handle the exception in the intermediate layers based on context – which would break the beautiful simplicity of the bubbling-up approach and may make things messy quickly.

That emphasizes the fact that our implementation of the repository has to be understood in the context of the rest of our program. And that is an indication of a lack of decoupling.

5.2 Shadow Control Flow

If our code logic is very simple, it might be a good advice to leverage the benefits of the bubbling up approach. But it can get messy:

Imagine a scenario where we need to implement a different service, which needs to actually change its control flow based on whether a movie entry has been found. Suddenly, our convenient paradigm of “service layer methods don’t care about exceptions from the persistence layer” would be broken. Or, consider another scenario, where two different controllers end up using the same repository, but they need to send different errors in case of the absence of data. Consider, for instance, a scenario where not finding a user in the database is supposed to lead to an 401 Unauthorized instead of a 404 NotFound.

In these scenarios, the controllers would have to interpret the NotFound exception coming from the repository. But what if a controller is relying on multiple repositories? Then this interpretation logic becomes really cumbersome. Imagine the nasty logic a controller would need to interpret the error based on the context it was raised in. That is messy.

Introducing a shadow control flow where services sometimes handle exceptions,
sometimes not, is

In a shadow control flow, exceptions are handled on a case-to-case basis. It quickly gets messy and hard to trace.

That is how the bubbling up strategy is at risk of deteriorating into a “shadow control flow”. It is “in the shadow”, because it is a second control flow which is not expressed in the regular control flow established by calling and returning, but is working “behind the scenes”.

The underlying problem is the coupling of the repository layer with the controller layer.

5.3 Watertight Exception Handling

In order to avoid ending up with a spaghetti logic for handling exceptions in a shadow control flow, it makes sense to apply a more tightly supervised approach. Bringing order into the chaos of a shadow control flow, we could either never raise any exceptions at all, or we could give the caller the responsibility to catch all exceptions raised by the called function and handle. The obvious advantage of this approach is that it is dead simple. The downside is that with this approach, we have to write more lines of code. This is basically the trade-off between being more explicit or being more concise.

Both approaches, explicitly handling all exceptions, and not raising any exceptions, have very similar effects in helping the reader grasp the macro-structure of our code.

But there is one difference, and this is specific to Python and its typing system: the exceptions that are potentially being raised of a function are not part of the type specification of this function. That means that whenever we call a function, we would have to check whether it does have a raising scenario. That is why it is advisable to follow the approach of never raising an exception. That way we can leverage the benefits of Python’s type hinting system in order to fully specify the interface of our methods, including the exceptional paths.

Hence, let’s have a look at how a paradigm of indicating exceptional behavior through the return value of the function instead of through raising an expression can be applied:

6. Returning Instead of Raising

6.1 Meaningful Return Values

Very often, meaningful return values can be used to signal exceptional behavior. Most often, returning None is a good indication: Whenever a function is supposed to calculate a result, or retrieve a value, None may indicate exceptional program flow.

def age_from_years(years: int) -> Age | None:
    if years < 0:
        return None
    return Age(years)

This code example uses a return value of None to indicate that "something went wrong" when trying to create an instance of Age.

Sometimes, we can also use the semantics of a return value in order to indicate an edge case. An example for this is the behavior of Array.prototoype().indexOf in JavaScript: If someArrray does not contain value, someArray.indexOf(value) will be -1. In JavaScript, array indexes can only be positive, so returning a negative index uses that deviation from the semantics in order to signal the occurrence of an edge case.5

A lot of scenarios can be covered by exploiting the semantics of the return value.

6.2 Returning an Exception

But sometimes there are scenarios, where a meaningful return value is not enough.

For instance, the above example from JavaScript returning -1 as the index for an absent value is not super clear. For anybody who is not familiar with it already, it would involve some guesswork to understand it. Also, and this is more important, the type of the returned value is still an integer, so there is not type difference between the normal path and the exceptional path. The consumer has to know that -1 is the signal for an exception. And this is similar to the situation where the consumer has to know which exceptions are raised: The type annotation of the return value in the function signature does not reveal the error-signal properly, so the caller might miss to handle the exception case properly. For a well-established function from the standard library, that might be acceptable. But for a lesser-known function our future selves have to consume this might be a surprise.

Potentially returning None is usually a clearer signal. A function potentially returning None exposes the exceptional flow nicely in the type definition of the return value. Not handling the edge case will make the type checker warn us:

def position(string: str, char: str) -> int | None:
        return string.index(char)
    except ValueError:
        return None

# typechecker won't accept this:

x: int = position("abc", "d")

But still, sometimes we need more: Sometimes, we want to express not just that “something went wrong”, but we also want to be able to differentiate between different kinds of exceptional scenarios. Just returning None would deprive the caller from the possibility to handle the two different cases in different ways.

Another use case is that None is actually a valid value of the function.

In those cases, a very clean approach is to create an exception, but to return it instead of raising it:

class NegativeAge(ValueError):

class IncredibleAge(ValueError):

def age_from_years(
  years: int,
) -> Age | NegativeAgeException | IncredibleAgeException:
    if years < 0:
       return NegativeAgeException(years)
    if years > 122:
        return IncredibleAgeException(years)

    return Age(years)

An example of returning different exceptions for different scenarios. The different scenarios are nicely expressed in the function's type signature.

This is a way of making the exception handling more robust. Now the possible exceptions are part of the type annotation of a function. This makes the control flow much more explicit, and it leverages the power of our type checker: Now, the type checker will warn us if we forgot to handle an exceptional path. If, for some reason, we want our program to actually panic with the correct exception, the caller can still decide to raise the exception, making use of the trace of the exception.

6.3 Result Wrapper

The interface of age_from_years in the example above is very explicit about the potential edge cases. But it fails to differentiate the exceptional flow from the normal program flow.

In order to highlight the conceptual FOREGROUND better from the conceptual BACKGROUND, it makes sense to adopt the behavior of languages such as Rust, Elixir, and Go: We can use a wrapper class to indicate the result or success in the function signature. This does a better job at indicating what is the normal flow.

The following code snippet is a sketch of an implementation of this approach in Python. Effectively, this opens the door of using the type checker to ensure that all exceptions are handled.

from typing import Generic, NoReturn, TypeVar

OkType = TypeVar("OkType")
ErrType = TypeVar("ErrType", bound=Exception)

class Ok(Generic[OkType]):
    def __init__(self, value: OkType) -> None:
        self._value: OkType = value

    def unwrap(self) -> OkType:
        return self._value

class Err(Generic[ErrType]):
    def __init__(self, error: ErrType) -> None:
        self._error = error

    def unwrap(self) -> NoReturn:
        raise self._error

Result = Ok[OkType] | Err[ErrType]

A rough code sketch how to implement a Rust-like Result Wrapper

Here is an example of how to use it:

from sys import exc_info

class AgeOutOfRange(ValueError):

class InvalidInput(ValueError):

def to_age(value: str | int,) -> Result[Age, AgeOutOfRange | InvalidInput]:
        return int(value)
    except ValueError:
        traceback = exc_info()[2]
        return Err(
            InvalidInput("Age string must hold a number")

    if value < 0:
        return Err(AgeOutOfRange(
            "Come on, you can't have negative age.",

    if value > 122:
        return Err(AgeOutOfRange(
            "Jeanne Calment, the oldest person ever,"
            "got 122. Are you sure you are older?"

    return Ok(Age(value))

If you are interested in using the approach of a Result wrapper, I recommend looking into the poltergeist library written by Alexander Malyga. While the code snippet above is not more than a rough sketch, that library is more mature, and has some features which make adopting this paradigm more convenient.6

7. Shades of Grey: How to Trade-Off

So far, we have seen different approaches. It is quite clear that we will want to avoid creating a shadow control flow. But for the other approaches, there does not seem to be an argument saying “never use this” or “always use that”. As often in life, many ways are possible.

In a pragmatic world, where writing software is always a matter of trade-offs, we should see different approaches as an amplification of our repertoire to opt for the necessary amount of robustness that our codebase needs. Just because we write Python, it does not mean, our code has to be fragile. 😉 Python allows, but does not force us to create a shadow control flow of exceptions.

Python is a simple programming language. That is why it is, next to JavaScript, one of the programming languages many developers start coding with. Not having to deal with type hinting and exception handling is definitely a way to keep the entrance barrier into the language (and into programming in general) low. And that is a good thing. If we train a junior programmer or a non-programmer, maybe it is OK to have them work on tasks which are fairly simple, and which do not require that level of robustness.

The more mature our trainee gets as a software developer, the more we will want them to be able to handle complex code bases. Those demand stronger robustness of code, because pain gets unbearable otherwise.

Next to developer maturity, code maturity is a factor to consider, too: In an agile environment with rapid prototyping and a relevant level of future uncertainty, first versions do not have to be perfect. Their functionality is often simple, waiting for further iterations down the business road. When they grow, it is necessary to improve robustness, in order to not drown in technical debt. Python might be the right choice here. If handled wisely, the freedom Python gives us, can be quite a gift: We can start simple for the minimum viable product, and we can then resolve fragility, adapting more robust coding patterns. We start with a alpha version that looks very pythonic and end up with patterns who are inspired by languages which force the developers to build in more safety into their code.7 đŸŒ»

  1. Luckily, the organization of computer code differs from the organization of society in the aspect that the definition of norm and deviance does not do any harm to anyone. 

  2. And Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python, has expressed strong opposition against including exception annotations in Python’s type hinting system, making it very unlikely that we are going to see this becoming a feature in Python in the sooner future. This is a distinctive design decision, which makes a significant difference between Java (where raised exceptions are part of the mandatory type signature of a method) and Python when it comes to the meaning of exceptions. 

  3. If you wonder why I write these terms in uppercase: It is because I consider them conceptual metaphors. The notion of conceptual metaphors (and the convention to write them in uppercase) I have taken from the book Metaphors We Live By by Lakoff and Johnson. It is a great read for understanding more about human cognition and language. As writing good code means writing code that can easily be digested by human cognition, I draw a lot from it when writing code. 

  4. Raising the exception could, of course be postponed. Or intermediate layers could catch the exception. But both would mean we are leaving the paradigm of bubbling up. 

  5. Python uses negative indexes to indicate that the index is counted from the end, so using this signal in Python would not exactly express the same meaning as in JavaScript. 

  6. I stumbled across it, when the author, Alexander commented to an answer of mine on a quite old question on Stack Overflow. The library is still work in progress. If you find the overall approach interesting, it might make sense to help build additional features. 

  7. Finally, we might even port the application to Rust, when the need for robustness has made our Python code look very much like Rust anyway. 😁Â